Meet the Team
Dr. Amit
Dr. Amit is the founder and chairperson of the Kosha Foundation (Trust) and the Nourish Planet Environment & Climate Research Institute (KECRI). He is a Yogi, spiritual practitioner, and environmental & climate researcher. Dr. Amit teaches Yoga at numerous corporate MNCs in Gurugram and across India.
He believes the true essence of Yoga is found in a world where the environment is not polluted and we can breathe freely, without the threat of carbon emissions. Unfortunately, today we face a lack of pure oxygen and water, as plastic and fossil fuel usage continue to harm our planet and our health—along with the health of other species.
Driven by a deep commitment to the environment, Dr. Amit has devoted his life to environmental and climate research, working toward sustainable development to safeguard the future of our planet. His mission is to help avoid the climate crisis and reduce air and water pollution. Without a healthy Earth, we cannot live healthy and sustainable lives.
It’s time for action. Let’s work together to save our planet by planting as many trees as we can. There is no Planet B. #OneEarthOneLife
Lada (Nataliya) Zadorozhna
My name is Lada (Nataliya) Zadorozhna. I am the director of Kosha Foundation in Ukraine (The International Charity) I am master in psychology, rehabilitator, having been working for a long time with children’s and adults having psychosomatic illnesses and autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Also I have conducted trainings aiming at the improvement of psychological health and the ability to cope up with the stress situations.
Dealing with the psychological remedial work, I am constantly observing the growth of the number of mental disorders against the catastrophic decline in the health of our nation. Unfortunately it has been confirmed by the Ukrainian statistics for a long time. Today almost one in three Ukrainian suffers from a nervous breakdown and about 2 million people become the patients of mental hospitals every year. The oncologists and other doctors also sound the alarm because of the sharp increase in the number of patients suffering from cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases. All the news lines are filled with the calls for help. Someone has sick children or a spouse or parents. And if a physically ill person is able to announce openly about his sickness and get the help and support, the people who have experienced the serious stress, who suffer from neurosis, depression, phobia, are often embarrassed about talking on the topic and addressing to a specialist, thus worsening their health condition and leading it to severe consequences. Today each of us happens to be at risk to have a sick child or to lose our own working capacity and the possibility to live a full life.
Not in a better state our planet Earth is. At last our society has come to understanding that the health of each of us and of the future generations depends not only on the healthy lifestyle including mental health, healthy nutrition and physical culture. It directly depends on the ecological status of our planet. It’s impossible to keep being healthy and breathe polluted air, drink poisoned water and grow food in the contaminated soil. Today we observe children’s and people’s in the prime of life die, the whole animal populations become extinct and rivers and forests disappear. It is really awful. Our life is approaching the apocalyptic plots of Hollywood movies. And if we want to change the destiny of our children’s and our planet, we cannot ignore what is happening around anymore.
Originally, collectivity as a form of deep mutual help always was inherent in every nation and it helped to survive in the most difficult times of wars, epidemics, natural disasters. Let’s get it back to our lives not only inside the individual nation. Let’s start to look at the world and at each other wider since we’ve got the common home, planet Earth. The time has come to realize that all we are connected. We are not just the Ukrainians, the Hindus, the Chinese, the Englishmen or the Americans. We are not just the Germans, the Italians or the representatives of any other nation and country. We are the Earthers! Acting collaboratively, taking the steps towards the healing of the mankind and of our planet, we will be able to change the destiny of the Earth.
For this purpose, we’ve created “The Kosha Foundation”(International Charity)The “Kosha” word means “higher self”, “spirit” (in Sanskrit – कोश, IAST – kośa). Let your fortitude awaken in your heart.
The mission of our foundation is both simple and difficult.
1. The development and implementation of the efficient environmental programs and projects.
2. The formation and implementation of the projects on improvement of mental and physical health of children’s and adults.
The simple formula is
“Healthy planet + mentally, physically and spiritually healthy person = life, harmony and the progress of the humanity”
Let’s serve humanity 🙏
Alexander Fedorov
My name is Alexander Fedorov. I am the founder of the Kosha Foundation in Ukraine. I am a geologist by education. I was always interested in our planet. Being a geologist is probably like being a surgeon. Only your patients are islands, mountains, subsoils of the oceans and our entire planet.
In parallel studying geology, I studied the art of yoga and meditation and became a yoga instructor at the company of Yogaholic India.
The study of Geology and the practice of yoga as the supreme ancient art of knowing the mysteries of the human soul and body have led me to realize that man and our planet are the only being in the truest sense of the word. A person will never be healthy, happy if his or her habitat, his home is a cemetery of plastic waste, radioactive impurities and chemically poisoned earth, air and water.
Our society has used our planet for many years without thinking about the consequences. Oil, water pumped, metals and valuable rocks were taken from the earth, the river direction was changed, forests were destroyed without much thought about what would happen tomorrow. Our people had a motto: “don’t think about tomorrow, live real! Relax and enjoy! ” Even 10 years ago, Tomorrow seemed so far away. But today it has come. Our planet is sick, and we see climate change across the earth, which brings in some parts of the earth a terrible drought and fires in others floods, storms, tsunamis. Birds and animals are being massively killed, and we humans continue to pollute water, air and land. We are so used to it that we do not know how to stop. We are sick, our children are dying, but in spite of everything, many of us still have a catchy tune playing in our heads: “don’t think about tomorrow!”
We have set up a Kosha Charitable Foundation to not just tell everyone what sort of garbage is needed or to show you the scary pictures of animal mutants eating plastic. In our 21st century, this is too little.
Our the main task is to change the mindset of mankind, to awaken in each of us the desire to clean up in our common home “Planet Earth”. Each of us must finally awaken a deep awareness: we are all one! It is only up to us how we will live in 10 years, how our children will live, whether they will have water and air, the opportunity to walk in the woods and see birds overhead. If we continue to wait for someone else, such as the president, the government, to be taken away in our house … maybe they will do it. But we, ordinary people, builders, doctors, teachers, managers and farmers have a responsibility because we are not guests on this planet. And we must take that responsibility for that piece of land, city, and country where we live and teach our children new environmental thinking, explain and set an example as needed. By acting together, we will be able to preserve what has survived on our Earth. We have science, we have technology, we have progressive people.
Of course, ecological thinking is closely connected with spirituality, with love for one’s land, for the nation, and it is also related to physical and mental health. After all, a person who is ill often cannot take care of himself, not that of others. Therefore, it is very important not only to change the world for the better and to help this world and people, but for each of us to come to harmony of body, soul and mind, to grow up in a healthy and harmonious atmosphere of our children.
Proceeding from this, the mission of our foundation is simple and complex at the same time:
1. formation and implementation of effective environmental programs and projects.
2. formation and implementation of projects of mental and physical health of children and adults.
Simple Formula: Healthy Planet + Healthy Mentally, Physically, and Spiritually Man = Life, Harmony, and Progress of All Humanity.
Let’s make a change together
Evelina Tribunskaya
Child Psychologist
Hello. My name is Evelina Tribunskaya. I am the leading child psychologist in the International charity Kosha Foundation, Ukraine.
Part of my life was devoted to work in financial sphere since I graduated from the Economical University and, as a result, got Master’s Degree in Accountancy and Auditing. Subsequently, I worked in large companies as a highly qualified specialist performing services for stock market professionals.
With the birth of my child, I first-ever realized that young families, pregnant women’s and children’s are vulnerable to stress and very often need psychological support. We are used to taking care of our physical state and usually forget about mental health. New patterns of family life the necessity for women to adapt the role of mother or for men to the role of father child’s adaptation to kindergartens, schools and adulthood have many challenging issues which cannot be easily handled without professional support.
I have always been enthusiastic about helping people. By studying professional literature and consulting doctors I have been searching for the ways to cure both people’s body’s and Souls as well as enhance their recovery. My aim was not only to help people solve some specific problems but also broaden the limits of person’s self-perception and interaction with the society. In addition, I find it vital to boost people’s self-confidence, support them in becoming more self-conscious, define or reinvigorate their potential find the bond and be more open with the real “SELF”, learn how to accept yourself and live in here and now.
I was willing to start doing it professionally and for this reason I entered another university and obtained Master’s degree in Psychology and Pedagogics. Nowadays I frequently undergo additional trainings in the sphere of psychotherapy for children and teenagers and participate in conferences.
I work with children and provide their families with psychological support and perform diagnostics and corrective therapy, conduct personal and group trainings, seminars dedicated to child-parent relationships, family circle relationships as well as child’s development stages. Besides I find it essential to raise awareness concerning psychological issues among teachers. The main areas of my work are art therapy and game therapy. However if necessary various methods and techniques from other areas such as psychodrama, gestalt therapy, cognitive and behavioural psychotherapy and positive psychotherapy can be applied in the working process.
Experience has shown that it is crucial to prevent deviations in child’s mental development at an early stage to help them easily adapt in society and to transform the destructive thinking to define the value of orientations and teach them how to think positively and not to be afraid of making mistakes. Moreover my task is to direct them on having pro-active position devoted to self-development and self-improvement and enhance the quality of their life.
Change for the better is real. You just need to assume the responsibility and take real action.
Happy Family’s Happy Nation.
Dr. Krakovska Svitlana
My Name is Dr. Krakovska Svitlana
Contact: Applied Meteorology and Climatology Department,
Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute (UHMI),
Prospekt Nauki 37, Kyiv – 03028, Ukraine
Research/ work experience
Aug 1991 – present senior scientist, head of the applied climatology laboratory at the UHMI
Feb 2018 – present senior scientists of the atmosphere physics and geospace department at the National Antarctic Scientific Center of Ukraine (NASC) (half-day working)
Feb 2018 – present LA of Regional Atlas and TS in IPCC WG1 AR6
Jan 2017 – Oct 2018 RE of Ch5 in IPCC SR1.5
Jun 2005 – Jul 2005,
Oct 2005 – Nov 2005,
Mar 2006 – April 2006,
Jun 2006 – Jul 2006,
Oct 2006 – Dec 2006
post-doctoral study “Detailed spectral parameterization of mixed cloud microphysics in weather forecast models” funded by INTAS fellowship Nr. 04-83-3351. Partly (10 months in total during the 2-years project) investigations were carried out in EU host institutions – MPI-M (Hamburg) and METEO-France (Toulouse).
Mar 1997 – Mar 1998 researcher – meteorologist, PC-network administrator and instructor for mountaineering of the Second Ukrainian Antarctic Overwinter at the Ukrainian Antarctic Station Akademik Vernadsky (former British Faraday)
Jan 1997 – Feb 1997, researcher – meteorologist at the Research Vessel Ernest Krenkel
Mar 1998 – May 1998 (in the First and the Second Marine Ukrainian Antarctic Expeditions)
Jul 1990 – Oct 1990 technician at the Research Survey Vessel Fedor Matissen (Russian Federation, Far East, Chukotka) Education
1994 – 1998 UHMI, Atmosphere Physics Department, laboratory for numerical simulation of clouds and precipitation (Prospekt Nauki 37, Kyiv – 03028, Ukraine)
Jan/2004 obtained Cand.Sc. (equal to Ph.D.) of Physic and Math Sciences in Geophysics with thesis “Numerical simulation meso and microstructure of frontal rainbands over target areas”
1986 – 1991 Leningrad Hydrometeorological Institute (now Russian State Hydrometeorological University, Malookhtinskiy Ave. 98, 195196, St. Petersburg, Russia), cathedra of experimental physics of the atmosphere, obtained Honour Diploma and M.Sc. in Meteorology
Scientific interests / qualification
• Processing of GCM and RCM data for whole Ukraine and its specific regions (natural reserves, river basins, administrative regions, etc.) for recent and future climate changes based on the multi-model ensemble approach;
• calculation and analysis of specific climate characteristics for application to different sectors (energy, water resources, agriculture, forestry, tourism, bio diversity, risk of forest fire, etc.);
• co-author of The Ukraine’s 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th National Communication under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Section on Scenarios of possible climate change for the territory of Ukraine, constantly nominated by National Focal Point as a representative of Ukrainian Government to IPCC Sessions since 2013;
• investigation microphysical and mesoscale processes in cloud and precipitation systems with numerical models, developed in UHMI by Prof.Hanna Pirnach and Dr.Svitlana Krakovska, particularly Combined Model of Cloudy Troposphere (CMCT) coupled 3D mesoscale with 1D spectral cloud models;
• elaboration blocks for existing models and their modification with different purposes (for simulation heavy precipitation events, theoretical interpretations of weather modification field experiments for precipitation increasing or suppressing and validation of bulk cloud parameterizations).
Programming skills in FORTRAN, PASCAL, MATLAB, script writing and special programs for climate data processing (CDO, NetCDF utilities) in Windows and Linux OS.
Graphical packages (Surfer, Grafer, GRADS), MS and Open Offices.
Fluent English, Russian and Ukrainian are both native.
In period from 1991 till 2020 Dr. Krakovska successfully leaded and participated in over 20 research projects, including 12 international.
Scientific projects:
Date Project/company/task
Feb 2020 – Nov 2020 World Bank project “Assessing the Impacts, Opportunities and Priorities from Climate Change in Ukraine”. National Expert on Climate Science
Jan 2018 – Dec 2020 Enviro-PEEX on ECMWF HPC project “Pan-Eurasian EXperiment (PEEX; Modelling Platform research and development for online coupled integrated meteorology-chemistry-aerosols feedbacks and interactions in weather, climate and atmospheric composition multi-scale modelling”. Researcher for a few tasks devoted to pollution case studies and extreme precipitation modelling.
Mar 2017 – Apr 2017 The Expert Facility Services CEEF2016-083-UA “Development of the national climate change adaptation policy concept for agriculture in Ukraine” under The ClimaEast project: Support to climate change mitigation and adaptation in the Eastern Neighbouring Countries and Russia. National Expert
Feb 2017 – Mar 2017 Visiting professor fellowship project: TEMperature TRAnsition DAtes and seasons’ lengths (TEMTRADA) in ICUB (The Research Institute of the University of Bucharest)
Mar 2016 – Jun 2016 The Expert Facility Services CEEF2015-036-UA “Building capacity for the assessment of vulnerability of Ukraine’s flatland forests to climate change” under The Clima East project: Support to climate change mitigation and adaptation in the Eastern Neighbouring Countries and Russia. National Expert
Aug 2015 – Dec 2017 Special Project “EnviroAerosols on ECMWF: Enviro-HIRLAM/ HARMONIE model research and development for online integrated meteorology-chemistry/aerosols feedbacks and interactions in weather and atmospheric composition forecasting” under supervision of DMI (Denmark). Researcher for a few tasks devoted to extreme precipitation modelling and forecasting.
Jan 2011 – May 2013 Tender service “Climate of the Carpathian Region (CARPATCLIM)” on the request of EC JRC Institute for Environment and Sustainability (Italy). Rescuing, analyzing and processing daily climate data of Ukrainian meteo stations for period 1961 – 2010 to build up web-site with Digital Climate Atlas of the Carpathians
May 2012 – Sep 2012 EU project “Avoidance of Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Restoration and Sustainable Management of Peatlands in Ukraine” in the framework of the International Climate Protection Initiative of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU). Scenarios analysis of climate change based on RCM multi-model projections in the region
Oct 2011 – Jan 2012 EU project “Enhanced Economic & Legal Tools for Steppe Biodiversity Conservation and Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation” on the request of EC for Nature Conservation (The Netherlands). Scenarios analysis of climate change based on RCM multi-model projections for the steppe part of Ukraine
Apr 2011 – Dec 2011 Task 1 – “Analysis and projections of climate change in the Dniester basin” in the pilot project “Reducing vulnerability to extreme floods and climate change in the Dniester river basin” in the frame of the Dniester-III project of OSCE, UNECE and UNEP
Mar 2011 – Aug 2011 EU project “Integrating Climate Change into Vulnerable Ecosystems Management: natural parks in wetlands and forest areas (Ukraine)” on the request of Association VERSeau Development (France). Estimation of current and future climate changes for Northern Ukraine based on RCM projections (have won Energy Globe National Award 2015).
2006 – 2009 FP-6 EU project CLAVIER (Climate ChAnge and Variability: Impact on Central and Eastern EuRope). Consultant for the Ukrainian Carpathians
Apr 2005 – Mar 2007 The joint project “Detailed spectral parameterization of mixed cloud microphysics in weather forecast models” funded by INTAS post-doctoral fellowship Nr. 04-83-3351. Partly (10 months in total during the 2-years project) investigations were carried out in EU host institutions – MPI-M (Hamburg) and METEO-France (Toulouse).
Date Project/company/position
Jan 2019 – Dec 2021 Research project on the request of the State Hydrometeorological Service of Ukraine „Development of updated scenarios for changing of the regional climate characteristics in Ukraine by the end of the 21st century”. PI
Nov 2018 – Dec 2018 Research project on the request of the National Company on Energy “UkrEnergo” „Projections of changes in extreme weather conditions in Ukraine up to 2050. Surface temperature, wind speed, rainfall and solar energy”. PI
Jun 2016 – Jul 2016 Research project on the request of the Carbon Emission Partnership LLC „Projections of the climate indexes for heating and air-conditioning seasons in the regions of Ukraine till the middle of the 21st century”. PI
Jan 2014 – Dec 2016 Research project on the request of the State Hydrometeorological Service of Ukraine „Quantitative estimation and prediction of the climate system state of Ukraine based on observational data and regional climate models”. PI
Jan 2011 – Dec 2015 The part “Parameterizations of cloud and precipitation formation processes in numerical atmospheric models” of National Academy of Science of Ukraine (NASU) complex project “Theoretical and experimental investigation of natural and technogenic processes in the atmosphere (including frontal cloud systems)”. PI
Jan 2011 – Dec 2013 Research project on the request of the State Hydrometeorological Service of Ukraine „Research of climate change regional peculiarities in Ukraine for the 21st century based on numerical modelling”. PI
Nov 2012 – Jun 2013 Two research projects: „Development of climate change scenarios in Ukraine for the middle and far future perspectives based on global and regional models’ data” and „Development of detailed maps of future climate conditions for different climate change scenarios in Ukraine using geoinformation systems” on the request of State Environmental Investment Agency of Ukraine. PI
Dec 2012 – Apr 2013 Preparing of materials for two R&D “Research on vulnerability to climate change of the energy sector, including the processes of electric and thermal energy, transmission and consumption of fuel-energy resources” and “Development of long-term, medium-term and short-term forecasts of greenhouse gas emissions under different scenarios of economic development of Ukraine” on the request of The NASU Gas Institute. PI
Jan 2008 – Dec 2010 Research project on the request of the State Hydrometeorological Service of Ukraine “Numerical forecast of the regional climate of Ukraine based on the possible scenarios of global climate changes in the 21st century”. PI
Jan 2006 – Dec 2010 The part “Spectral microphysical cloud model in the validation of cloud and precipitation parameterizations in regional atmospheric models” of NASU complex project on clouds and precipitation formation study. PI
1991 – 2005 Participation in three complex 5-years projects of NASU devoted to the numerical study of frontal clouds (stratiform and with embedded convection) caused extreme precipitation events over the plain and mountainous terrains in Ukraine. Researcher
Author of over 100 scientific works with over 30 articles in national and international peer reviewed journals. The main scientific publications (including abstracts) are as follows:
1. Shvidenko, A.; Buksha, I.; Krakovska, S.; Lakyda, P. Vulnerability of Ukrainian Forests to Climate Change.Sustainability 2017, 9, 1152.
2. Krakovska S. V. Optimal ensemble of regional climate models for the assessment of temperature regime change in Ukraine. Nature Management, 2018, no. 1, pp. 114–126 (in Russian).
3. Spinoni J., Szalai S., Szentimrey T., Lakatos M., Bihari Z., Nagy A., Németh Á., Kovács T., Mihic D., Dacic M., Petrovic P., Kržič A., Hiebl J., Auer I., Milkovic J., Štepánek P., Zahradnícek P., Kilar P., Limanowka D., Pyrc R., Cheval S., Birsan M.-V., Dumitrescu A., Deak G., Matei M., Antolovic I., Nejedlík P., Štastný P., Kajaba P., Bochnícek O., Galo D., Mikulová K., Nabyvanets Y., Skrynyk O., Krakovska S., Gnatiuk N., Tolasz R., Antofie T. and Vogt J. (2014). Climate of the Carpathian Region in the period 1961–2010: climatologies and trends of 10 variables. Int. J. Climatol. doi: 10.1002/joc.4059.
4. Krakovska, S., Palamarchuk, L., & Shpytal, T. (2019). Climatic projections of heating season in Ukraine up to the middle of the 21st century. Geofizicheskiy Zhurnal, 41(6), 144-164. doi: (in Ukrainian).
5. Krakovska S., Palamarchuk L., Gnatiuk N., Shpytal T. Projections of air temperature and relative humidity in Ukraine regions to the middle of the 21st century based on regional climate model ENSEMBLES // Geoinformatika, 2018; 3(67) : 62-77 (in Ukrainian).
6. Krakovska S., V. Balabukh, L. Palamarchuk, G. Djukel, N. Gnatiuk, 2012: Analysis and projections of climate change impacts on flood risks in the Dniester river basin based on the ENSEMBLES RCM data // Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 14, EGU2012-863-2,
7. Krakovska S., S. Pfeifer, D. Jacob, 2007: A complex of the numerical models in the study of heavy precipitation caused the catastrophic flood along the Elbe river in August 2002 // II International Conference on Earth System Modeling (ICESM), Hamburg, Germany
8. Krakovskaia, S.V. and A.M. Pirnach, 2000. Theoretical study formation and development of Antarctic cloudiness under different intensity of ice and cloud droplet nucleation // American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY, Vol. 534, pp. 467-470.
9. Krakovskaia, S.V., Pirnach A.M., 1998. Theoretical study of the microphysical structure of mixed stratiform frontal clouds and their precipitation. Atmos.Res. 47-48, 355-376.
10. Pirnach A.M. and S.V. Krakovskaya, 1994. Numerical studies of dynamics and cloud microphysics of the frontal rainbands. Аtmos. Res., 33, 333-365.
Awards / Grant Support:
In 2015 the project “Integrating Climate Change into Vulnerable Ecosystems Management: natural parks in wetlands and forest areas” has got Energy Globe National Award (The world award for sustainability) where Dr.Krakovska participated as an expert for climate change in Ukraine.
In 2005 got INTAS Post Doctoral Fellowship for a 2-year joint project “Detailed spectral parameterization of mixed cloud microphysics in weather forecast models”.
Twice (in 1995, 1997) got Annual scholarships from International Soros Science Education Program (ISSEP) for post-graduate students, in 1996 got 2-year scholarship from the President of Ukraine and in 1998 – 2-year scholarship from the NASU for young scientists.
I believe in Peace and Love.
Executive Director
As the Executive Director of the Kosha Foundation, Kamlesh is at the forefront of driving impactful initiatives that champion environmental sustainability and community empowerment. With a diverse career that spans over a decade in business, sales and management, he brings a wealth of experience in strategic marketing, operations, and
fundraising to the foundation’s mission.
Prior to joining the Kosha Foundation, Kamlesh made waves in the hospitality industry, by establishing a high-end restaurant transforming it into a premier destination in North Goa. His expertise in creating dynamic environments and engaging experiences has translated seamlessly into the nonprofit sector, where he now focuses on developing innovative campaigns that resonate with supporters and inspire action.
Kamlesh’s earlier roles at Viacom18 and ZEEL equipped him with strong leadership and relationship-building skills, critical for overseeing multifaceted projects that drive organizational growth. He believes that effective communication and strategic partnerships are key to advancing the foundation’s goals and making a lasting impact on the planet.
Passionate about fostering a culture of sustainability, Kamlesh is dedicated to empowering communities through education and advocacy. Outside of work, he enjoys immersing himself in nature, seeking inspiration and rejuvenation from the world around him.
He hopes to make a telling difference in society through Kosha Foundation and its endeavour to serve the society and the environment. Join Kamlesh in this vital mission, and together, let’s create lasting change for our planet and its people.
Stay connected with Kamlesh –